Tech Blog - January 2025
New year, new features and improvements. Here is what we've been able to accomplish: Bug fixes & improvements: Improvements for AOC (Attestation of Compliance) generation logic, Fix for "Partial…
Tech Blog - November 2024
In the month of November we've been focusing on the 2 key priorities: getting the v4.0.1 r2 or the PCI DSS ROC standard out for our customers, and unlocking new markets with our scalable Azure…
Tech Blog - September 2024
PCI Community Meeting in Boston was a great opportunity for us to meet our customers and establish new valuable relationships - as well as source feedback for our feature development. In the meantime…
Tech Blog - August 2024
We are looking forward to seeing you at the PCI Community Meeting in Boston, September 10-12, 2024! Please send us a message if you would like a personalized demo session. In the meantime, our team is…
Tech Blog - April 2024
We are proud to announce that in April 2024 TurboQSA has joined @PCI Security Standard Council as one of the newest Associate Participating Organizations. But in the meantime, work continues: Bug…
Tech Blog - January 2024
January is a slow month for most, but not for TurboQSA. We have continued improving our application and introducing new features - such as "Not Tested" option support for Custom RFTs (SAQ and Template…
Tech Blog - December 2023
Our main focus in the month of December 2023 was the upcoming December release. The release went live and distributed to our clients on December 18th.
Here are some of the notable features and fixes…
Tech Blog - November 2023
In the month of November 2023 our development team has been focusing on major features for the upcoming December release. Bug fixes & improvements: Interview Improvements - adding requirement…
Tech Blog - August 2023
Key TurboQSA priorities for the month of August remained - bugfixing, responding to suggestions from our customers. We have pushed two new premium features to production. Bug fixes & improvements: AoC…
Tech Blog - July 2023
Our key priorities for the month of July 2023 were bugfixing, addressing feedback received from our production customers and making steady progress for premium features in the ROC v4.0 product. Bug…
Tech Blog - June 2023
In June 2023 we have maintained momentum and focus on ROC v4.0 features and our automated QA functionality. In addition to these two areas, our team has paid special attention to addressing bugs and…
Tech Blog - April 2023
Our development team has been focusing on 3 key priorities: Bringing stability and resilience into our infrastructure Adding new features to fully support ROC v4.0 Addressing feedback from our…
Tech Blog - February 2023
Our team has been working tirelessly to make the full set of PCI DSS ROC v4.0 rev 1 available to our customers, while maintaining scalability of our services with new support, deployment and…
Tech Blog - October 2022
For the last few months, TurboQSA team has been focusing on the new version - v4.0 of the PCI DSS, perfecting our approach to handling Section 6.x evidence. Here are some of the highlights for the new…
Tech Blog - July 2022
Here are some of the highlights for the new features we have implemented in response to customers' requests: Improvements to the installation procedure: email configuration and testing screen. Fixed…
Tech Blog - June 2022
Here are some of the highlights for the new features we have implemented in response to customers' requests: Improvements to the installation procedure: autogenerating DB passwords, updated AMI…
Tech Blog - May 2022
Here are some of the highlights for the new features we have implemented in response to customers' requests: Section 4.9 fixed in the Word Export, UI improvements - drop-down list components now have…
Tech Blog - April 2022
We've been getting a lot of feedback from customers and this has resulted in a number of improvements and fixes.
Here are some of the highlights for the new features we have implemented in response to…
Tech Blog - March 2022
We have pushed a lot of updates and new features to our Pilot environment in the month of March 2022, and some of these improvements have even made their way to Production: "Mentions" feature…
Tutorial - Custom Requirement Filtering
Managing Custom Requirements Filtering Templates First part of the Tutorial Series - here. Second part of the Tutorial Series - Managing Clients and Contacts. Third part of the Tutorial Series…
Tutorial - Creating Assessment Projects
In this video John covers basic aspects of creating ROC Assessment Project: Creating Assessment Projects First part of the Tutorial Series - here. Second part of the Tutorial Series - Managing Clients…
Tech Blog - February 2022
January and February 2022 have been marked with a tremendous interest to the TurboQSA solution, we were happy to conduct up to 7 demos a week. This resulted in some new product ideas. Here are some of…
Tech Blog - January 2022
Here are some highlights for the new features and improvements released: Custom SAQ. Brand new ability to define new SAQ-like templates that extend what PCI Council has provided and enable QSA…
Remediation Lists feature
Please join our CEO and co-founder John Fischer as he talks about the TurboQSA Remediation Lists feature. TurboQSA allows you to take proactive steps and help your client address any gaps they might…
Tech Blog - October 2021
We are proud to announce that the first production reports created with TurboQSA have been submitted to card brands in the month of October 2021. For us it is a great milestone, but also it's just the…
Tech Blog - September 2021
We are proud to announce the new production version went out to our customers on Friday, October 1st. Here are some highlights for the new features and improvements released: Compensating Controls…
What Happens when the PCI SSC Changes Versions of the DSS?
One question that has come my way quite a bit during demonstrations of the TurboQSA software is: “What happens when the PCI Council releases PCI-DSS 4.0?” You might be surprised to hear this, but I…