23 posts tagged with “product”

  • Tech Blog - May 2024

    Bug fixes & improvements: Improvements for date formatting in emails - prefer US culture unless otherwise selected in Global settings, Scope Builder MVP improvements, wizard features, Status Report…
  • Tech Blog - November 2022

    TurboQSA continues to focus on improving and extending feature coverage for the new version of the standard, 4.0. Here are some of the highlights for the new features we have implemented: Improved…
  • Tech Blog - October 2022

    For the last few months, TurboQSA team has been focusing on the new version - v4.0 of the PCI DSS, perfecting our approach to handling Section 6.x evidence. Here are some of the highlights for the new…
  • Tech Blog - July 2022

    Here are some of the highlights for the new features we have implemented in response to customers' requests: Improvements to the installation procedure: email configuration and testing screen. Fixed…
  • Tech Blog - May 2022

    Here are some of the highlights for the new features we have implemented in response to customers' requests: Section 4.9 fixed in the Word Export, UI improvements - drop-down list components now have…
  • Tech Blog - March 2022

    We have pushed a lot of updates and new features to our Pilot environment in the month of March 2022, and some of these improvements have even made their way to Production: "Mentions" feature…
  • Tutorial - Managing Clients and Contacts

    Managing Clients Managing Client Contacts First part of the Tutorial Series - here. For more videos on TurboQSA, please see our Youtube channel
  • Tutorial Series

    The first video of the series covers Managing Your QSA Company User Accounts - QSA users, Associate QSAs, Auditors, Technical Editors. Introduction from John Fischer: Managing Users: For more videos…
  • Tech Blog - February 2022

    January and February 2022 have been marked with a tremendous interest to the TurboQSA solution, we were happy to conduct up to 7 demos a week. This resulted in some new product ideas. Here are some of…
  • Tech Blog - January 2022

    Here are some highlights for the new features and improvements released: Custom SAQ. Brand new ability to define new SAQ-like templates that extend what PCI Council has provided and enable QSA…
  • Tech Blog - November 2021

    Here are some highlights for the new features and improvements released: Client issues debugging - copy-down feature introduced to enable rapid support response, Backup service changes to ensure…
  • Peer Reviews Feature

    Please join our CEO and co-founder John Fischer as he talks about the TurboQSA assessment workflow process with a mandatory peer review step, and how it allows your peer review staff to stay engaged…
  • Tech Blog - October 2021

    We are proud to announce that the first production reports created with TurboQSA have been submitted to card brands in the month of October 2021. For us it is a great milestone, but also it's just the…
  • Tech Blog - August 2021

    Highlights: Automatic calculation of Summary of Findings Summary of Findings rendering for Word Interview participants write-ins for Report Items Moved away from AWS Lambda functions Sections 4.12 and…
  • Tech Blog - July 2021

    Highlights: Peer Review - Quick approval button for better Reviewer UX. Client Engagement Manager role added to streamline and scale the interview setup flow. Evidence Upload - Simplified fields…
  • Tech Blog - June 2021

    Highlights: Copy evidences feature, Optimized snapshot export, Filter control made available not only in the dashboard, but anywhere in the report, Filtering by date, Audit log tied to the workflow…
  • Tech Blog - May 2021

    Highlights: "Copy Project" functionality for creating new reports based on last year's / previous assessment, Word file generator: increase stability, compile a list of encounteres issues, Support for…
  • Tech Blog - April 2021

    Highlights: Project progress re-calculation for Payment Channel edits, New look for Project tiles, Support for Attachments in support requests, Discord notifications for Support Tickets, AOC document…
  • What makes good software for a QSA?

    There isn’t much specialized software for Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs). The PCI Council provides professionals with a Word document template and that’s it. Microsoft Word is your tool; it is…
  • ROC Assessment Welcome Changes - Part 2 - Tracking Interviews

    If your days look anything like mine, then keeping up with tons of meetings for different clients is not on your top 10 favorite things to do. Managing that in the context of a ROC project is nuts…
  • Tech Blog - March 2021

    Highlights: Support for multiple servers per client license New tiles structure and design for Projects dashboard Removed global reviewer role, made it a project-only role that can be taken on by a…
  • Tech Blog - February 2021

    Highlights: Progress calculation changes: delete expired requests Progress calculation trigger settings and new trigger conditions Improved filter settings for SAQ and Responsibility Areas New…
  • Tech Blog - January 2021

    Highlights: Report display with filtering by interview or evidence responsibility areas Filter feature for the project main page Interview items suggesstions filtering by SAQ level Restrictions for…

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